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Sigma welcomes the Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury to Its Watford site

As part of the Labour party campaign trail, Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Darren Jones MP paid a visit to Watford’s largest employer, Sigma Pharmaceuticals plc earlier this month. Watford is a marginal seat and the Labour visit was aimed at rallying local support for the prospective Watford labour candidate Matt Turmaine.

The Labour Party team comprising of Darren Jones MP, Matt Turmaine, and a small team of Labour campaign workers were given a tour of Sigma’s Watford site and shown how the prescription drugs and medication get processed, packed and delivered on a daily basis via the wholesaler’s extensive temperature-controlled vehicles.

The group met with Sigma’s Directors and founding member, Dr Bharat Shah CBE and they discussed the importance of investment and support for growing businesses and the pharmaceutical sector both in the region and across the UK. The pharmaceutical industry brings significant value to the East of England, making up 12.3% of total manufacturing GVA (gross value added) for the region. Generic medicines have saved the NHS billions of pounds over the years.

The Labour team pledged to support community pharmacy and investigate more innovative ways of adding value to the high street pharmacy in Britain.

Commenting on his visit to the Watford site, Mr Jones said: “We were very impressed with what Sigma has achieved for Community Pharmacy in the UK and were quite taken aback by the sheer size and scale of Its Watford operation. It is a Labour party pledge to support Community Pharmacy and to strive for a better way of sustaining government help and releasing much-needed resources for this important part of the nation’s health and wellbeing”.

Sigma’s Co-founder Dr Bharat Shah CBE added, “It was great to have Darren, Matt and the Labour Party team pay a timely visit to our business. It is our hope that any new government will be proactive and implement serious policy decisions to meet the needs of local pharmacy and appreciate the vital role they play in the health of our nation”.