Hatul Shah

Group Chief Executive Officer

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Hatul Shah is the Chief Executive Officer of the Sigma Pharmaceuticals Group having taken on the role in 2019. He is responsible for setting the direction of the business, driving profitability and overseeing all operational and commercial progress. He is focused on leading innovation, establishing an effective ESG policy and playing an active role in generating support for community pharmacy.

Hatul graduated as a Pharmacist in 2002 from Kings’ College London and pursued a career in Community Pharmacy immediately after his Pre-Registration. In 2003 he incorporated Sigma’s first retail pharmacy, and working alongside partners he grew the retail chain to 19 stores. He achieved an Executive MBA from Warwick Business School in 2018 and was recently awarded a Fellowship from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society.

Outside of Sigma, he is a devoted husband and father to 2 daughters and spends the little spare time he has following his other passion, Tottenham Hotspur.

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