International Women’s Day – 8th March 2025

5 March 2025

International Women’s Day – 8th March 2025

Showcasing Krishna Patel, Operations Director – Interview Questions

Leadership & Career Journey

1. Can you share a bit about your career journey and what led you to your role as Operations Director at Sigma Pharmaceuticals?

I started at Sigma in Customer Services in 2012, moving up to commercials a few years later. As I progressed, I learnt a lot about the ERP system and how to navigate through the controls, which led to me being included in the 2017 project team when we installed Knapp. As Systems SME I then became Project Manager for changes, and implemented the DD process for Finance.

My role grew to encompass Business Intelligence where my responsibilities included business reporting and that is when I introduced the data warehouse. I was first approached to move to Operations in 2022 which is when I accepted the role of Head of Warehouse Operations and Systems.

I was proud to be promoted to Operations Director last December.

2. What challenges have you faced as a woman in the business, and how have you overcome them?

The biggest challenge I’ve faced as a woman is making myself heard and recognised as a decision maker. It’s taken a huge amount of effort to be included in discussions about action plans and which paths to take, but it has become easier over the years. It’s really about finding the confidence to speak louder.

3. Have you had any mentors or role models who have influenced your leadership style?

Throughout my time at Sigma, there have been few women working in senior positions, so many of my role models have been men who have become great male allies!

Luckily, we are now in a position where there are many women working in and working towards being in senior positions. My goal is to be the strong female role model I wish I had had.

Women in Leadership & Empowerment

4. What does International Women’s Day mean to you personally and professionally?

This year is a little different. Personally, I will reflect on how I have grown and matured, and how being soft but firm is a female superpower!

Professionally, I will reflect on how my appointment to OD is a first for the business, and how honoured I am to have been given the opportunity.

5. The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is – Together we can unlock equal rights, power, and opportunities for all. How does this resonate with you?

This is a strong statement. I mentioned earlier that being heard and seen was a challenge, but being treated equally, and having the power to make decisions which then opens the door to create opportunities for others is something that not many people have. The theme this year of IWD makes me consider what I can do to help achieve this for my female colleagues here.

6. What advice would you give to young women aspiring to leadership positions, particularly in operations?

Firstly, Operations tends to be linked to words like ‘manpower’ and ‘manual labour’ which is narrow-minded and limiting to begin with. In Operations we deal with Strategy and Innovation, we deal with Analysis and Cost Control and we deal with Logistics and Supply Chain. I spend my time analysing, trouble-shooting, planning, strategising, and every so often, when required, I shift a pallet!

The goal in operations is to get the job done. For those women looking for roles where you progress laterally as well as vertically, join Ops… the achievements are endless.

Diversity & Inclusion

7. How do you think companies like Sigma Pharmaceuticals can further support women in leadership?

Staff need representation, show them the face of leadership is as diverse as they are.

8. What role do males allies play in fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment?

All allies play huge roles – they support and encourage others to stand up or speak louder. They are also required to call out behaviours that promote an unsupportive and unhealthy environment.

Balancing Work & Life

9. How do you balance the demands of a high-level leadership role with personal commitments?

This can be difficult at times, but only if the root cause is that you are a micro manager. I have tried hard to step away from my phone during personal times, but with the level of responsibility I have in my current role it is hard to do this fully, and that’s obviously because I care. I haven’t quite found the work/life balance yet but will continue to try.

10. What strategies have you found effective for managing stress and maintaining resilience in a fast-paced industry?

I have a very practical personality, so never benefited from holistic methods. I simply try to step away every so often to have a conversation with someone about anything other than work; social life, food, holidays etc. Sometimes, small talk provides a much-needed break and helps form bonds.

Looking Ahead

11. What changes would you like to see in the business in terms of gender equality over the next few years?

I’d like to see more women appointed to senior positions, particularly when they have moved laterally through the business – it would demonstrate that we look internally for the right person and they may be here but currently in a different department. I would also like to encourage the conversation of gender pay parity.

12. What legacy do you hope to leave for the next generation of women in leadership?

I hoping that people will know me as fair and consistent. I also hope that someone will potentially see my journey, think about their own and know that growth and change is possible.

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